Monthly Archives: March 2014

Reflections On Living From The Heart

You know when life moves so quickly that you can’t think fast enough about the choices that are in front of you? That’s a good thing.

These days time moves so fast I have come up with a way to get present quickly.  It’s usually by talking or shouting out loud, as if I’m talking to someone outside of myself. Mostly while looking in the mirror.  Yeah, it’s a little weird (but cool at the same time), and it works. Try it.

Remember the big kerfuffle of 2012?? The opening of the famed 5th dimension occurred December 21, 2012, hailing the portal to our next level of frequency. The world didn’t end as many had predicted. Instead we all went about our business, as per usual. And in the background, our vibrations rose and the energy intensified.

I have no doubt you’ve felt the intensity of time speeding up as well. The proof in the pudding is we are about to welcome in the Spring Equinox. Wasn’t it just New Years?

Can you remember what you were doing, feeling or thinking about this time last year?

Now, as I look back at days gone by, it seems that 2013 was a year of spiritual transformation and letting go, sprinkled with just a few challenges. Especially in the last half of the year. Why am I going on about all this? Well, for starters, it’s always in our best interest to look back and see what transpired cuz if we don’t, how can we learn about who we are today and be grateful for the gifts we received?

With the launch of PAGE Media Project in October 2012, it’s become clear that there are some things beyond my understanding. PAGE has a life of it’s own, and a personality that is still being molded. All the hosts, guests and shows have brought such wonderful moments of understanding for myself, you – our listeners – and our community. For this I am truly thankful.

Here’s my point.

Being prepared is going to help you. This means giving yourself some time to set intention each day (even each moment!) to find direction so every action makes your heart soar. That’s where the ‘living from the heart’ comes in. We ALL benefit from tuning in to that core heart-part of ourselves. It knows the truth and it guides us towards our Soul, which in turn creates joy and love and so much awesomeness in our lives.

Take time this Equinox and take a risk – create a ceremony of some kind to honour something of meaning. Whether it’s the earth, your family, your Self, or the air you breathe, give yourself the gift of time and slow down for ten minutes. If you’re not sure what to do, then go to the Institute of Shamanic Medicine home page and sign up to receive the wonderful free eBook “The Medicine Wheel: A Sacred Container for Your Life”. Read the whole thing. Then consider doing the exercise at the end. You’ll be glad you did.

I have been working with the teachers at the ISM since October and my journey is far from over. I promise to let you know more but, truly, words cannot describe what I’ve experienced thus far.  What I do know is that learning to slow down and be present is key to our life balance and that there is far more energy inside me waiting to be released.

This is going to be an incredible Horse Year, it’ll be full of action. If you want to be ready for the ride, (which by the way will jump start around July) then find some friends and keep your eyes wide open.

Thanks for being here today and engaging in personal action for global evolution!