Author Archives: marielle

Ah, the Planets Align Yet Again

Written by Marielle Croft, Astrolger. Shared with permission.

A rare celestial event happened recently called an occultation of Jupiter and, eventually, an occultation of Mars by Venus, and to top it off the Moon also visited them to create her own occultations, thus officially fertilizing the projects initiated by the triple conjunction in question. These are extremely rare occurrences, obviously.

An occultation is when a planet will circulate in front of another covering it. Usually a conjunction will occur above or below another planet but when it appears as if in front of its surface it is an occultation.

This rare conjunction is made even rarer because both Venus and Mars are doing it at the same time. And what is also even more rare is to have Venus occulting Mars in the same series of events.

What You Should Know

This is a time of new beginning. In order to enter into the new cycle, we must complete the one we are exiting out of. Depending on the date of your birthday you may find this period simple and natural or you may find it particularly challenging.

Either way only what’s right will pass. We can count on life circumstances to draw our attention where we need applying specific action. It is time to get to the bottom of everything, to cleanse and restore aspects of our life that are ripe for change or that are not serving us anymore.

Virgo is particularly concerned with healthy living, the environment, as well as feeling safe and integrated into the human community but not without a genuine deepening of spiritual experiences or values. Compassion, respect, supporting and feeling supported are qualities originating from our natural spiritual wisdom. Engaging along those lines feels profoundly beneficial at this time.

Virgo is about details. If we have accomplished projects or jobs before that feel somehow outdated or, perhaps, we were never satisfied with the result, now is the time to roll up our sleeves and re-do it. Let’s be thorough even if our motivation wavers, as the results are likely to provide a level of satisfaction that makes the effort worth it.

This celestial event brings people into a more intimate connection with themselves, the world situation, and life in general. It is as if reality is narrowing down to a level of awakening that makes us realize where we may have been living in a form of unrealistic expectation or in a state of denial with the hope that one day things would be different. If we were living as if problems, obstacles or limitations (personal or global) would eventually be fixed by themselves or by someone else… it is time to review that sort of dreamy thinking. Now is the time to be realistic and to play our part in improving our quality of life or in going after what we find important for us.

Correcting our reality will not happen on its own. It is better to revisit our belief system (Jupiter’s domain), our cultural or educational conditionings too. If we accept frustrating circumstances because we believe in limitation this should be considered a red flag. It is appropriate to explore some “wild” brain storming to stimulate our dormant imagination. If exciting ideas or possibilities that are inspiring come out of this exercise let’s make a plan to manifest them. Now is the time. 

Please visit to receive her newsletter or book a reading with her. 

Photo credit ~ Rie Komoto

Why do we suffer?

With all that we have to be grateful for, it’s astounding that we continue to not do what we know in our hearts needs to be done. Spirit is with us – always – and yet we choose to disengage from it. We separate ourselves from the knowing and peace that comes when we are partnered with that energy of power and internal knowledge.

The flow of life becomes fast and orchestrated with such perfection if we would only loosen our grip. Stop the mind from judging and thinking that it knows best. Stop the mind from making decisions that are not in our best interest – because it truly doesn’t know what our spirit needs.

What makes you afraid?

What pushes you to sabotage your life?

Why do you judge others and yourself, when it only brings on suffering?  It never feels good to judge, right? It only satisfies the mind.

Ah…the quiet grace of gentle, loving emotions – try that for a while.  See what happens when you love yourself. Try it. Truly feel acceptance of who you are and all the parts of you, the physical body, the rational mind, the emotional sensations and the peaceful knowing of spirit within.

There’s nothing to control or do.

There’s nothing to think about or figure out. You are safe.

There are no questions to answer nor any feelings to stuff away.

For just a few minutes a day, find silence and peace in accepting that you are a magnificent soul in a biological form experiencing this plane of existence, this dimension, and feel the purity of acceptance that IS this truth in the moment.

Nothing will make you more whole than a few moments of contemplation.



Reflections On Living From The Heart

You know when life moves so quickly that you can’t think fast enough about the choices that are in front of you? That’s a good thing.

These days time moves so fast I have come up with a way to get present quickly.  It’s usually by talking or shouting out loud, as if I’m talking to someone outside of myself. Mostly while looking in the mirror.  Yeah, it’s a little weird (but cool at the same time), and it works. Try it.

Remember the big kerfuffle of 2012?? The opening of the famed 5th dimension occurred December 21, 2012, hailing the portal to our next level of frequency. The world didn’t end as many had predicted. Instead we all went about our business, as per usual. And in the background, our vibrations rose and the energy intensified.

I have no doubt you’ve felt the intensity of time speeding up as well. The proof in the pudding is we are about to welcome in the Spring Equinox. Wasn’t it just New Years?

Can you remember what you were doing, feeling or thinking about this time last year?

Now, as I look back at days gone by, it seems that 2013 was a year of spiritual transformation and letting go, sprinkled with just a few challenges. Especially in the last half of the year. Why am I going on about all this? Well, for starters, it’s always in our best interest to look back and see what transpired cuz if we don’t, how can we learn about who we are today and be grateful for the gifts we received?

With the launch of PAGE Media Project in October 2012, it’s become clear that there are some things beyond my understanding. PAGE has a life of it’s own, and a personality that is still being molded. All the hosts, guests and shows have brought such wonderful moments of understanding for myself, you – our listeners – and our community. For this I am truly thankful.

Here’s my point.

Being prepared is going to help you. This means giving yourself some time to set intention each day (even each moment!) to find direction so every action makes your heart soar. That’s where the ‘living from the heart’ comes in. We ALL benefit from tuning in to that core heart-part of ourselves. It knows the truth and it guides us towards our Soul, which in turn creates joy and love and so much awesomeness in our lives.

Take time this Equinox and take a risk – create a ceremony of some kind to honour something of meaning. Whether it’s the earth, your family, your Self, or the air you breathe, give yourself the gift of time and slow down for ten minutes. If you’re not sure what to do, then go to the Institute of Shamanic Medicine home page and sign up to receive the wonderful free eBook “The Medicine Wheel: A Sacred Container for Your Life”. Read the whole thing. Then consider doing the exercise at the end. You’ll be glad you did.

I have been working with the teachers at the ISM since October and my journey is far from over. I promise to let you know more but, truly, words cannot describe what I’ve experienced thus far.  What I do know is that learning to slow down and be present is key to our life balance and that there is far more energy inside me waiting to be released.

This is going to be an incredible Horse Year, it’ll be full of action. If you want to be ready for the ride, (which by the way will jump start around July) then find some friends and keep your eyes wide open.

Thanks for being here today and engaging in personal action for global evolution!



Adventures Abound!

Hey there.  It’s Marielle Smith, host, founder and producer of PAGE.  I thought I’d offer up a little update on what’s been happening.

Life is full of surprises and you never know what is going to happen from moment to moment.  The last year has brought us to this point – 45,000 downloads! – and we are so excited about what’s coming down the pipe.  As the creator of all things P.A.G.E., I get to go with the flow and gather program content, even in the midst of chaos and challenges. I say let the creative juices flow!

Jannie, my partner on Calling All Black Sheep radio show, is on an incredible adventure to Peru and Mexico and we’ll have an interview with her when she returns.

Anett Manering from the JAM Sessions, is healing, and getting herself back to awesome health so she can offer her wondrous teachings. We are hoping to have her back for a new show all her own.

Holly Tse and Jen Engracio are continuing to bring their awesomeness and you can join them anytime – just check out our archive and search for “Dragon Spirit Radio” and “Going Shamanic”.

AND as an added bonus, I’ve been doing the SunStar Astrology Horoscopes for the week so remember to look every Friday for that short and sweet episode. It’ll help you get through these interesting times. I’m hopeful that Michael O’Connor, the wonderful astrologer who puts together the weekly guidance that we share with you, will have his own show soon!

That’s all for now. Thanks for stopping by – and remember, good friends are hard to find, harder to leave and impossible to forget.

In light and In Service….we’ll catch you on the PAGE radio waves soon.

PAGE Radio Talks Divine Alignment


Have you ever had an experience that left you speechless?

That’s what Divine Alignment and Straightening (DAS) is and that’s what happened when I interviewed Tanya Thompson and Peter Manns today on PAGE Radio.

Tanya ThompsonTanya is a long-time friend of mine who met Peter through a number of synchronicities that led to her on a path of love, healing and Divine connection.  The story she shared today was an intimate look into what happened when a loved one, in this case her father, was close to crossing over and she asked the Divine for help.  You will hear about the journey that has brought her to today, where she is now visiting Peter in Germany, and how DAS continues to be the gift that keeps on giving.

Peter MannsPeter Manns also joined us for the show. He is an energy healer, Master NLP Coach and man of  many passions – including ballooning!  Today he took us into the world of Divine Alignment and Straightening and what it means to connect to Source. You can listen in as he conveys the reason why this ‘healing’ is only done ‘once-per-lifetime’ and the results of which continue to work as time passes.

The radio show can be heard in the window below.

Check Out our Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with PAGE Media Project


If you are interested in attending and reserving a spot at the Divine Alignment and Straightening Sessions and Systemic Constellation Work groups this coming October/November, here are the dates, cities and contact information.

October 4 to 7:  Vancouver, BC CANADA
Contact Marielle Smith,

October 13, 14: Seattle, WA  USA
Contact Tanya Thompson,
or Belinda Leppa,

October 13, 14, 18 to 20:  San Francisco, CA  USA
Contact Teresa Cavazos,

October 26, 27: Austin, TX  USA
Contact Michele Charette,

November 7: Houston, TX  USA
Contact Marsha Bauman,

To contact Peter directly use the following links:
